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A song that makes you feel alive, & why?


Unfortunately, life is not always a fairy tale. Some of us fight more dragons in a day than a prince does in a year. And others kiss less princesses in a year than princesses themselves kiss toads in a day. But fortunately, music is here to make us feel better, stronger, and remind us that a forever happy ending is not that impossible.

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Maggie, 19, sports fan __ “We No Speak Americano” By Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP __ “When I listen to it, it just feels like it gives me a lot of energy to many things!”





Mike, 48, senior executive __ “Alive” by Pearl Jam __

“umm..[laughs]…yeah it says it right in the name of the song, a-l-i-v-e!” __

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Clara, 23, architecture student __ The World’s Greatest” by R. Kelly, as played in the Ali soundtrack __ “Muhammed Ali is someone very calm and at the same time, very strong. He manages to do magic things, in an absolute tranquility. It is very motivating and inspiring.”





Roaky , 110 years, happy tree friend __ “The Colors of the Wind” by Pocahontas __ “It reminds me how good and exciting life can be, and…it makes my roots wag like crazy!”




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