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Calling All Couples: How Long Have You Been Together and What Should You Get Them?


Hello everybody! It’s that time of year again…department store shelves are full of heart-shaped everything and flower prices are sky-high for…you guessed it, Valentines day! Have y’all given it any thought yet?? I don’t know about you, but I’m a planner and I like to plan ahead (maybe only for Valentines day, ha!) so I can find the perfect present for my significant other. Whether it’s ordering something online or making the present or comparing prices at stores, it’s always good to actually figure out what you’re giving them. While I can’t given anything away since I know he may be reading these, I’d like to share the ideas I have collected over the years (okay, only 2 years).

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So before I list any real presents, I’d like to point out that flowers are A MUST. Girls, this goes for y’all too! Guys get us flowers most of the times but I know they’d love that in return as well! Giving him or her flowers the first moment you see them that day is a good idea because it starts the day off just right and shows that you were thinking about it and planning ahead of time! Bonus points to you if you pick out peonies or carnations or tulips or even a homemade bouquet! Roses are so cliched and overrated (but they’ll do too!). Also, you don’t have to buy a million to impress them. One flower has the same effect as a dozen. You’re a college student on a budget, so keep in mind that they understand.

Now onto the real presents!

Time: 1-6 months

Men: It’s just your first valentines and you haven’t been together very long to buy expensive presents so go for something neutral he might like. Coffee and a nice fancy mug is a great gift! You can also try one of those candy poster board things, those are perfect for first valentines!

Women: You men have it so easy! Flowers and jewelry are the ways to a girls heart right…and maybe a cupcake! Hit up Flirty Cupcakes on Taylor and surprise your lady friend with a fancy little cupcake and I promise you will win her right over. Except maybe hold off on the jewelry for now, a bit too soon for that. Instead, try looking for a receipt of that first date you went on with her and put it in a scrapbook. How about a picture from that night? Or another memoir, like a movie ticket? Stick in the scrapbook and give it to her, I promise you her heart will melt. It will be the sweetest thing anyone has ever given her!

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Time: 6 months to 1 year

Men: Ladies, I know how hard it is to shop for men, trust me. But there’s an easy trick to figuring out what to get them! Pay close attention to what they ALWAYS talk about, and by now I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. For my guy, it was craft beer (or just all things beer in general actually) and soccer. Does your guy play a sport? Listen to a certain kind of music? Is he always talking about technology? Is he one of those guys obsessed with working out? Get him something meaningful, especially something that will help him understand that you’ve been paying attention to what he’s saying!

Women: Again…you men have it easy! Try getting something for them that will make their lives easier and help them de-stress. How about bath salts and a bubble bath from Lush or Bed Bath and Beyond? Hint hint, Victoria’s Secret gives you bonus points too, and to think, she can model them for ya 😉

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Work it, ladies!

Time: 1-2 years

Men: It just gets harder doesn’t it? Just when you feel like you gave exactly what he wanted, it’s time for another present. This time, you can invest in an experience as a present. You could get a couple’s massage appointment. Or for the more adventurous types, you could take him ice skating at the Bean or the new Maggie Daley park. Something more adventurous? Check out Groupon on Living Social, both of which would cater to yours and his tastes.

Women: Hm, looks like you’re in it for the long haul! Your easiest option at this point would be jewelry and a fancy dinner. Within jewelry, I would always say to stick to the classics like pearls. If you’re really into this girl and think its going to last forever and always, a promise ring would be in order. Only do this if you’re feeling ready though, and only if you know that she’s just as much into you. You both have to be on the same level for this to happen because you’re promising her quite a commitment.

Time: 2-4 years

Men: Experiences are still a good idea…in fact they will be for the next few years. Do something different…Rent a limo for a day and ride around the city. Heck, rent a Lamborghini for a few hours and let him hit 0-60mph in 30 seconds (I made that up, relax ya crazy car fanatics!).

Women: Oh wow, you two really stuck it all out huh! Now its time for you to invest in an experience…does she always talk about sky-diving? Does she always silently weep when she doesn’t get to go to her favorite concert when they’re in town? Go sky-diving together? Ride in a hot air balloon! How about a helicopter ride over the city? Take a vacation to California, or even better somewhere international (Yes, Canada counts too!) together.

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See, doesn’t that look like a blast!

Time: 5+ years

Men and Women: Oh just go get engaged already!!

So there you have it, I hope this makes it all really easy for you guys. Remember, when in doubt, follow your heart 🙂 Have you done anything special or out of the ordinary for your SO? Sound off in the comments below!

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