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Humans of UIC


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Welcome back to the second edition of Humans of UIC everybody! So a quick recap, I was raving about how I am obsessed with Humans of New York, and the idea behind it. I was so inspired to start a Humans of UIC edition and got the perfect chance to when I joined UIC Radio’s blogs.

So without further ado, let’s get started. This week, I got a chance to catch up with Areli Arenas (talk about a unique, pretty name!) She is currently in her junior year, planning to be a high school english teacher.


“If you had to give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?

“Oh, that’s a tough question. I guess I’d say to be nice to each other, be selfless.”

“Why, what makes you say that?”

“A large group of people represents a sample of society and people forget to be compassionate towards one another.”

I definitely think Areli’s onto something here guys, there’s too much hate in the world for all of us to not be nice to each other. Always remember, selfless people are happy people. So this week, I dare everyone on campus to do one random act of kindness. Whether it is to give a homeless person some food, or putting a quarter in a soon-to-expire parking meter somewhere in Chicago. Hm, maybe someone can hold a “Free Hugs” poster in the quad, since everyone can use a nice, warm hug in the midst of this forthcoming winter. If you need more ideas, here’s 101 from Buzzfeed!

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Sorry y’all, I’m a sucker for cute penguins and free hugs!

Something tells me you’re going to be one great english teacher, keep on rockin’, Areli! As for everyone else, stay warm and spread the kindness, y’all!

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