Hey everyone! Ray here. My observations from this past week have led me to believe that basically everyone is still in spring break mode, me included. I don’t blame you—as I’m writing this, my window is open, the sun is shining, and I am tempted to forget about the whole crapshoot that is Chicago weather. To be fair, my lethargy is probably three-parts senioritis and one-part good weather.
Normally I would imbue this blog post with a bunch of motivational messages and instruction to just “keep pushing forward” because it’s the last week of the semester. But honestly I’ve half a mind to just go city exploring. I remember last year I went with a bunch of my friends down near the lakeside just sitting around and just enjoying each other’s company and the nice breeze and the beautiful view of the city as dusk was slowly arriving. If you’ve been bogged down by these past twelve weeks of school, then I encourage you just take a day off and savor the spring air with friends.
Ah man, gotta love nostalgia.
Without feeling too misty eyed, I did manage to find some mashups quite appropriate for the last few weeks of school. One up-and-coming indie pop band I’m enjoying is Broods—their songs “Mother & Father” and “Four Walls” are a heartfelt synth pop landscapes I enjoy. Logan Mashups takes “Mother & Father” and marries it to “XO” by Beyoncé. “XO” is already a catchy, poppy love song—the deep hums in “Mother & Father” augment the hymnal qualities of her lyricism. It’s eerie and perfect for some introspective vegging.
Normally, I’m not a fan of indie folk music—too much banjo is detrimental to one’s health, I believe. But the best folky song I think I would admit to liking is “Holocene” by Bon Iver. DJ Dry Bones overlaid its hypnotic melody with “Burn” by Ellie Goulding. Yeah, basically all “Holocene” mashups are pretty bomb in my book.
How was your first week back from spring (winter) break? Comment below!