Hey guys!
So a majority of you guys must know by now that I’m a freshman…well WAS a freshman! First year is officially over and boy did it fly by quickly!
First off I want to say congratulations to all the graduates and that I wish you luck for the future! 🙂
I mean the first week is already over and after hanging around with family, catching up on TV shows, and even rekindling some old friendships I’d say this summer is going quite well!
I must admit though it’s an odd feeling when some of your family/friends are either still in school, working, or are simply plain busy and there’s a time that comes when you’re just BORED.
So I’ll start off by giving a couple of ideas on what to do if this “boredom” feeling strikes you during our 3 month long vacation 😉
-If you can, TRAVEL. College is known to be the best four years of your life, so go on out there and plan a vacation you won’t forget.
–Read a good book. (And if possible, see the movie right after!) 😀
–Watch movies! (Because, why not?)
–Learn how to cook! (I mean, it’s food. Must I say more?)
–Go camping! (Explore the wilderness and outdoors, nature is a beautiful thing.)
–Explore Chicago! (Yea, we go to school in the city, but now you can actually SEE the city without having to worry about tests the next day or getting up early the next day)
–Draw. (Just pick up a pencil and see where your imagination takes you)
-Color! (If drawing’s not your thing, get some crayons and color in between the lines..or out, it’s up to you) 😉
–Learn how to play a new sport! (Who doesn’t love a game of badminton, table tennis, or even croquet!)
So those are just a few ideas on what to do this summer! Any other ideas? Be sure to comment below!
Till next time.
Have a great summer!! 😀