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Teresa Giudice Coming Home

I have been a fan of all of the Real Housewives franchises but one that I have always been the most drawn to is Real Housewives of New Jersey. One cast member who has caught the attention from the show is Teresa Giudice. Teresa was known for her famous table flip at her own dinner party when a guest enraged her by calling her “stupid”, provoking her to flip the dinner table out of anger. When I saw that scene for the first time I thought, “this woman is crazy, she’s awesome”. After the episode aired, Teresa was always in the spotlight for her cookbooks, and her drama with her brother and sister-in-law on the show, but in recent years she has gotten attention for other drama in her life.


A few years ago news broke how Teresa and her husband Joe Giudice filed for bankruptcy for being 11 million dollars in debt. Not long after their file for bankruptcy, Teresa and her husband were both charged on many counts of fraud, and went through trial. After years of legal issues and going through trial, Teresa and Joe entered a plea deal and were both sentenced to serve time in prison. Teresa was sentenced for 15 months and Joe was sentenced to 44 months. Teresa is currently serving her time first so Joe can stay home and take care of their four daughters and once she is released Joe will serve his time a few months after her arrival.

Teresa was originally set to be released in early February 2016 but now due to good behavior she will be released on December 23rd, and her husband will serve his sentence in March, now the family can celebrate the holidays together. My sister and I have been huge fans of Teresa and her family since the first episode of Real Housewives aired. We fell in love with her personality, her love for her husband and daughters, and how strong she has been through all of this madness. We have been counting down the days of her release and the final countdown is finally here! We are even more happy that she will be with her entire family for the holidays. We could not be more happy for her and her family and I wish her the best of luck to her husband when he leaves for his sentence in March. I am so happy for her and I can not wait for the day to see her back on the show with her family and finally be home.


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