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2013: Year in Review.

Hey Guys, There are only twenty-six days till the New Year! 2013, has been an extremely eventful year in music, film, and pop culture. I don’t know about you, but this year flashed before my eyes faster than any other. So much has happened in the last eleven months, I thought it would be nice to recap the year, before we ring in a new one! Ready? Let’s Go.

January, 2013 President Barack Obama, begins his second term in office. Remember this:


Beyoncé sings at the inauguration, caught lip-synching…


February, 2013 Then responds to the controversy with a flawless LIVE performance of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’.

SUPERBOWL XLVII AKA BEYONCE’S CONCERT, where she literally killed the lights. (emergency lights were used to during the power outage). HAIL THE QUEEN. please watch.

March, 2013 ‘Harlem Shake’ videos hit YouTube.

Kim Kardashian pregnancy frenzy.

April, 2013 Tragedy at the 117th Boston Marathon.



May, 2013 Boy Scouts lifts long time ban on gay youth members.


June, 2013 North West Born.


July, 2013 Martin. Zimmerman.

Rolling Stone publishes cover photo of Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

August, 2013

September, 2013 Selfie, becomes a real word. It’s actually in the dictionary.


October, 2013

Government Shut Down.

November, 2013 Illinois becomes the sixteenth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Legal marriages begin in December.

December, 2013 Britney Spears, begins residency in Las Vegas. Hope it works out better than last time she was in Vegas. #NoShade

Well, there you go some of the most noteworthy events in pop culture in 2013. What did you think? I could’ve sworn the Gangnam Style was this year, turns out that was a thing over a year ago. Time is flying by, we are all getting older, changing, and trying to make it in this scary, big world. But don’t forget to enjoy today.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, lets make 2014 another awesome year. 2014, sounds like such a futuristic party year. I’m ready. Are you?

Thanks again for reading. Love you guys. Gotta Go.


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