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Beyond the Barrier…Behind the Scenes

Beyond the Barrier is the name of the show I started last year when I joined UIC Radio as a Junior here at UIC. Now going into my last year here at UIC i thought it would be good to properly introduce myself as a DJ, a blogger, and now the assistant marketing director for UIC Radio.

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 That’s me.. My name is Kris Lori Fuentes Cortes a 4th year communication major also pursuing a minor in managerial skills. Born and bred in Boston, Massachusetts and then left the nest back in 2011 to wind up here in Chicago. I hope to work in the music industry as part of a touring crew while I’m young and then settle in an office somewhere still be active in the music scene. I am the assistant marketing director for UIC Radio, photographer/ writer/ interviewer for AltRockLive, and a member of SynnerNation for The Syndicate; I’m pretty involved as much as I can be. 

Here are my loves..

Loves: Music…obviously…My cat Shadow, flowers, adventures, road trips, shows, vinyls, writing, trying to learn an instrument, drinking tea, photographing, riding my bike, long boarding, volleyball, softball, and playing video games. 

What’s my show about you ask?

Good question…It’s really about playing a good mixture of rock music. but not just classic rock, pop rock, ect. It’s to play everything really; my heart can’t settle on one genre so of course I’ll just play everything. I love to bring in artists to interview them or try to get your guys some free stuff or tickets to shows.I take a lot of pride in my show and in the station. I really want to show that UIC Radio is just as diverse as the students we have.

Now you know a bit about me and my show I hope to see you around campus! Pass me a note in class with a song request 😛

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