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Payton Eken

Checking Into 'Hotel Bleu'

“I believe as a band, we are original and unique, and I love our sound and our music. We’re just regular ass dudes,” Broadside frontman Ollie Baxxter said in a recent podcast episode discussing the band and their fourth album, Hotel Bleu. Following their latest release, Into the Raging Sea from 2020, Hotel Bleu brings a new yet familiar side to the band at the same time. As Ollie mentioned, the band has their own unique flair for traditional pop punk music and is not afraid to switch things up in the recording booth. All three members, Baxxter, bassist Pat Diaz, and guitarist Dom Reid, are heavily involved in the songwriting process for all releases.

Hotel Bleu featured a few pre-release singles, including “One Last Time,” “Lucid” ft. Devin Papadol of Honey Revenge, “Cruel” with Brian Butcher of The Home Team, and “Bang” ft. Joshua Roberts of Magnolia Park, all with accompanying music videos. This is their first album to include featured artists, and they delivered an incredibly stacked lineup.

Hotel Bleu has something for everyone and a song for every mood. “Stranger,” the album’s opening track, is an upbeat song with a more brooding tone to the lyrics—the feeling of not knowing your own worth and feeling that sense of detachment that can consume you. You may not even catch how downcast the message of the song is with the beating of the bass in the background.

“Dazed and Confused,” another cheery-sounding song, tells the story of being entranced by someone you know is not good for you, yet there’s something drawing you back in for more. “Feel Love,” a synthy pop song, is an ode to a lover who has made life worth living. Replacing the demons inside one's mind with their voice eases the mind.

“What Have I Done?” is a mix of rock and pop and dives into the battle between wanting to grow and change and being content with how your life is at this moment. The final song, “Bleu,” is an emotional ballad that surges into a heated anthem. Written by Baxxter for his wife Sara, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 (she finished chemo in March 2022 and was declared cancer-free in May that same year), the song details the emotions he felt during this time. Many fans who shared similar experiences went to tell Broadside what the song meant to them via social media and how much they could relate to the lyrics.

Hotel Bleu, as mentioned previously, has something for everyone, which is why everyone should love Broadside. They are one of the most talented bands in the scene. They are incredibly humble and hardworking and put their all into everything they do. This album is no exception.

Author’s Favorites:

  1. Bleu

  2. How To Love, How To Lie

  3. Stranger

Listen to Hotel Bleu by Broadside on Spotify and Apple Music now, and see Broadside at The Bottom Lounge Friday November 17th with This Wild Life.



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