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Humans of UIC

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This is the Humans of UIC logo

Hey everybody, Humans of UIC has gone viral! A fellow blogger by the name of Timothy Nguyen asked me if I wanted to help contribute to his previously created Humans of UIC page (everyone go like it!) and of course I said yes! So then we started working on it, along with a few other people and boy, did it take off!

So to end this week with, I picked a photo that Lee Hasan contributed to the page.

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“We just calculated this too, it has been 67 months, we do this thing, I mean, it’s not monthaversaries, I mean we usually forget about it. April 21st, 2009. The 21st of every month, like 3 or 4 days will pass and we’ll be like ‘oh we made it another month. High five’. We met in 7th grade in English class, we dated in 7th grade, but I don’t know if that really counts.”

“We didn’t know going into UIC what we wanted to do, but it doesn’t always turn out like you think. The fact that our college years are coming closer to an end, it’s definitely weird. It’s been nice having Ryan, he’s my best friend, he my support system, he’s my foundation, he’s my rock. College just wouldn’t have been the same. Everyone needs somebody.”

“Aww samesies.”

Me personally, I love that part about the high five ha! It’s a good feeling, knowing that you’ve been with someone so long that they become a part of your everyday life. You just know that they’re going to be there. However, it’s also important to not take that person for granted, and its important to make them feel special and loved every single day. Whether your support system is your mom, your dad, your significant other, your siblings, let them know that they mean a lot to you. Give your mom and dad a big bear hug, your siblings a fist bump and your significant other a forehead kiss to let them know that you are so very thankful for them.

That’s all for today everyone, stay warm and be thankful!


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