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Merry christmas to you…

Christmas Eve is only hours away, and it’s definitely evident as last-minute gift buyers are anxious to cross names off their Christmas checklist. This being the first I can actually buy gifts for others with my own money, I’m just thankful that I planned my gift shopping ahead. Knowing that I would be spending quite a bit this year to thank everyone important in my life, I saved well over $1,000 and spent every bit of it.

I don’t regret the amount of money I spent this year, but I definitely know that next year my budget need not be so devastating to my savings account. With no spending money coming in any time soon, I’m still glad that I was able to see the excitement and surprise on the faces of those who I did give a gift to and am still anticipating the reaction of those that have yet to open their gifts.

Even though I may have spent a good amount on each person, I was really proud of the thought that I put into each one, Every single gift I bought, wrapped, and gave was personalized.

So yes, I may have given into the materialistic ways of Christmas but it was more (to me at least) about going the extra mile to make sure that everyone I cared about smiled. Gifts may not have been the only way to accomplish that but I felt that my intentions were unselfish and good. I’m not expecting to receive lavish gifts in return, just knowing that I’m able to say thank you to everyone that matters makes me incredibly happy.

I’ve learned that no matter what you give this season, it’s vital to express your gratitude in some sort of way because it can mean the world of a difference. So during this holiday season, the season of giving back, who would you like to thank the most?

Happy holidays everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this post. May your break be filled with happiness. I leave you with one of my favorite Christmas classics by Nat King Cole: “Christmas Song.”



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