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Alright, so it’s officially that creepy time of year when you pretend to be something you’re not and then consume 3 months worth of sugar all in one night. Sounds like a party to me!

Speaking of which, Chicago campuses will be crawling with Halloween parties tonight, and if you show up in your leggings-as-pants-plus-Uggs outfit while clutching a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte in your hand, you simply might get laughed out the door. Never fear, though, because here are three simple, quick costume ideas for that last minute party.

1) Jenna Marbles as a boy.


If you don’t know who Jenna Marbles is or ever watch the most popular female YouTube star’s channel, you’re missing out on some hilariously skewered gender stereotypes. For her outfit, all you need is a baseball cap, an over-sized polo, and a horrendously drawn-on mustache and you’re good to go.

2) Rosie the Riveter


Remember her from your American history textbook? In order to emulate this vision of feminism, simply tie a red bandanna in your hair, put on a blue button-down shirt and knee-length capris, and flex that bicep!

3) The Hole-y Ghost from Charlie Brown


Okay so this costume isn’t practical or attractive in any way, but for the person who doesn’t give a flying duck and has a sense of humor, this can work. Step one: Cut holes into old white bed sheet. Step two: Put sheet over body. Step three: Receive praise.

That’s about it for my quick ‘n’ easy Halloween ideas. Whether you stay at home tonight handing out candy to miniature Spider-mans who ring your doorbell, or you take a larger, less agile Spider-man home with you, keep it fun and keep it safe. Happy Halloween everyone!

Just because I love the 80s and this song fits. Who ya gonna call?


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