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Shake Shake


Jon Worthy is back at it again with a new song called “Shake Shake” and 51 new tour dates in 2020. The background of the new song is quite the story, told to me by Jon himself.

shot by Corey Zack

“Shake Shake” was recorded in Jersey City, New Jersey after the tour’s 8th show in eight nights because of a man who really enjoyed the set. This man by the name of Corey Zack, who also shot all the photos, corralled Jon and his bassist Austin McFall to his studio called The Cocoon at 2 AM where they recorded the song. Not only did Corey help record this song, but he also mixed and produced the track. 

Jon had written “Shake Shake” only two weeks prior to this event, which is quite a feat that the three of them were able to write and record all in one sitting. In reference to the song’s meaning, he mentioned to me that “it was an awesome way for the song to come together” since the “story personified the lyrics of the song with my life” showing just how unpredictable life can really be when you happen to be in the right place at the right time. 

Two months after recording this song, Jon was playing a show in Louisville, Kentucky and he just so happened to run into a guy that shoots music videos in Columbus, Ohio. He offered to make a video for this specific song so long as Jon would be able to drive out there, and as it happened, he did. The music video, however, should be out later this winter so keep your eyes peeled.

shot by Corey Zack

Jon Worthy is an incredibly talented guy and he works very hard touring and playing shows to continually reach a wide audience. I’m just hoping one day he’ll make it up to Chicago.

Check out “Shake Shake” on all streaming platforms and while you’re there you might as well check out his other stuff because you might find that it’s just what you’re missing. 

Visit Jon Worthy on Instagram @jonworthymusic along with Corey Zack @corey_zack


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