The spoken word is a powerful, high-energy form of expression that attracts artists and audiences of all ages from a wide range of disciplines and socio-cultural backgrounds. The main motto behind this art is storytelling hence rhyming is not the most important key in this form of art. Here is a piece called “Revival.”
The first step is realization. To know something is wrong, is the first step to healing. Heal because it happened, Try because you’re worth every second chance. Do not let your past define you, Make sure that you work for your future and let this present make you. Make sure you’re okay. Keep yourself first and others at bay. It’s okay if you prioritize yourself, Others do it too and they don’t feel shame. For a while stop worrying if they’re upset and feeling down do something about yourself and then go around. Make sure at first your heart smiles since fake ones, Can lie through miles. It’s okay some days are just not yours, Though make sure you make the rest all yours. The scars will leave a mark, they will remind you of your past. Don’t cover them, be proud that you came out of that. Asking for help is the easiest, yet the hardest thing to do. Take that one step and you could sit back and relax. Loving yourself? it’s not that easy. But only you stay with you, all day and night long. You know the best about you. Highlight them. Shine through them. It’s okay if it’s not today. Take a week. Take a month But come back, Stronger and bolder. Because you fought a battle that no one understands, except you. Show them, how strong your fight made you. – Aanshi Patel