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Super Bowl Sunday is About More Than You Think

Has another week really flown by that fast? It’s time to start the weekend, and the best part is the fact that this, ladies and gentlemen,


is Super Bowl Sunday.

Of course, finding out that Bruno Mars would be performing for the halftime show was like being told that Dairy Queen is all out of the Brownie Batter Blizzard. It’s disappointing, but you’ll manage to survive.

Because the Super Bowl is not just about the halftime performance. Oh, no. Super Bowl Sunday is about those crazy, provocative, and just downright ridiculous commercials that companies pay so much money to air.  Anyone remember that Snickers commercial from 2007?

The Super Bowl is also about food. And lots of it. My aunt makes her famous award-winning chili, and let me tell you. I think she mixes it with angel tears, it’s that good.

Beer is a must.  A Super Bowl without beer is like a downhill skiing competition without snow. It’s impossible.


I feel like I’m forgetting one, but I can’t seem to remember what it is.

Oh yeah, and football. The Super Bowl is also about football.

Ta ta for now, football fans!


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