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The Dr. Paula Show, Tuesday 03/07 At 11 AM: Dr. Barbara Jung

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and to honor this observance the next Dr. Paula Show will feature Dr. Barbara Jung, Division Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The show will air on Tuesday, March 7th at 11 AM. Dr. Jung will be sharing her thoughts on the importance of colon cancer, her research on the biological and behavioral factors contributing to the increased colon cancer mortality in African Americans and how her division addresses health literacy among diverse patient populations.

For more information on Colorectal Cancer Awareness, visit this CDC site.

Dr. Jung is the Division Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Her clinical expertise includes diagnosis and management of patients at increased risk for GI cancers to include but not limited to Lynch and polyposis syndromes. As part of her interest, she is spearheading a clinical and tissue registry, to answer questions pertaining to high risk GI cancer conditions. In addition, Dr. Jung has an active basic science laboratory studying the mechanisms of colon cancer progression and metastasis, as well as potential biomarkers to predict treatment outcomes. Dr. Jung received her MD from Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. Her medical residency and Gastroenterology fellowship training was completed at the University of California in San Diego. She joined the UIC faculty in 2013.

Do you have an idea for a Dr. Paula Show topic? Is there someone you would like to hear interviewed on the topic of health literacy? Share you suggestions with us! Contact Brienne Lowry at


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