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The Dr. Paula Show, Tuesday 03/28 At 11 AM: Nicole Robinson


March is National Nutrition Month®,  a nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The theme for 2017 is “Put Your Best Fork Forward”, which acts as a reminder that each bite counts. Making just small shifts in our food choices, can add up over time. Click here to visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website, where you can find a wealth of information to help you and the people you care for make good choices!

Sometimes there are environmental or socioeconomic issues that can limit the amount of good food options available to us. On the next Dr. Paula Show, Dr. Allen-Meares will be speaking with Nicole Robinson, VP of Community Impact for the Greater Chicago Food Depository, which is working to provide solutions to these issues. The show will air on Tuesday, March 28th at 11 AM. Nicole will be sharing her thoughts on the goals and activities of the Greater Chicago Food Depository, importance of food insecurity in Metro Chicago and what the Food Depository does in addressing issues related to health literacy and health disparities.

Nicole Robinson, VP of Community Impact for the Greater Chicago Food Depository.Born in Chicago and a product of Chicago Public Schools,  Nicole now leads the Food Depository’s partnerships with community organizations to address the root causes of hunger and provide nutritious food for people in need across Cook County. Prior to joining the Food Depository, Nicole served as head of the Mondelēz pronounced mohn-dah-LEEZ’) International Foundation funding community programs designed to promote good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. She has worked with the United Nations World Food Program and a variety of multinational NGOs, including CARE, Save the Children and INMED Partnerships for Children.

Do you have an idea for a Dr. Paula Show topic? Is there someone you would like to hear interviewed on the topic of health literacy? Share you suggestions with us! Contact Brienne Lowry at



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