I hope you like these.
“Catacombs (at Monroe)”
there’s a thin,
nearly invisible seam
at the place where
life splits in two
I know you’ve been tired
for some time now;
seasick on sunny days,
mouth smeared with honey–
you’ve come to
mistrust all beauty,
even your own
you’re soon to pass
into the cool dark
below– the subways,
the catacombs, the stones
formed in solitude
it'll be alright,
I promise
but for the first few years
you’ll have to crouch,
and your bones
will ache, cramped
as they are,
but that'll pass
you’ll forget your face–
smeared with the dregs
of your former hopes,
the still-burning embers
of a thousand stricken
vagrants’ buried hearths
the cold, muggy air
will harden your
blanched-white skin
and strip you of
your old pliancy
you’ll touch
with blind fingertips
The broken ruins of
stone-dead wonders
you’ll dance wildly
for nobody, and
drag your pen through
the black firmament
like a knife through water
but every once in a while,
a lone searchlight will
appear and find you a
beautiful child-soldier,
kissed still by the sun’s
undying grace
every once in a while,
you’ll find something
that is yours
and yours only,
and life’s honest nature
will pierce your heart
one more time
“Untitled #6”
today I saw you
out walking the street;
quickly, as always,
with rhythmic strides
and a nervous look
I hate to say it,
but that’s all I
have left of you
there used to be more–
spots of black
in your irises, little
gestures, the sweet
oddities in your speech
aspects that once
comprised a being
irreducible to aspect
my mind’s been emptied;
I was so awfully passive
as to let time
steal you from me
your laugh, your warmth,
the scattered anecdotes
of a life lived in
the presence of others
the smell of your skin,
perfumed, but still yours
only, your hair on your
shoulders, on mine–
on lonely nights,
I held your beating heart
in my hands
we spent them together,
hours of our lives
wasted away in gentle
earth-swallowing pleasure
and you, burning
silksugar spirit,
fingertips trembling,
more buried within you
than I ever could have
shared obscurities, intimacies–
I held the string between
my teeth while you tied–
your toes resting lightly
on mine– the refracted glow
that spreads in waves
over sun-stained eyes
radiator warmth, something
in the air reminds me–
I think– names
half-remembered, scents
still lingering–
something from childhood?
dreams cinched off in threes
the fever upon waking,
my arms empty, wanting
vaguely, for a moment–
The rest floods in,
taking your place–
and I’ve lost it
today, I saw you
walking the street;
that’s all I have left of you
now, the rest is gone