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Badfish- A Sublime Tribute is coming to Chicago


For those of you who are Ska fans, or just Sublime fans, start planning your first weekend of February now by booking tickets to their tribute band’s show. If simply hearing the songs of Sublime reincarnated live isn’t enough to motivate you then maybe hearing “Bohemian Rhapsody” might. 

For $23 you can indulge in both the songs of Sublime and Queen (or so I’ve been told by individuals who have gone to previous shows) that sound amazing and make for a great night. Badfish comes to the House of Blues in the Windy City this February 2, 2014. So check your syllabi this coming week and make sure not to miss this event.

Help keep the legacy of Sublime alive by attending this event and supporting this band, a band that definitely has earned it’s recognition. 

To visit their website click here

Take a break and listen to some of Sublime’s tracks to help you through the grueling first week of class.


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