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David Bowie Is ___

As many Chicagoans have heard, the Museum of Contemporary Art is hosting a David Bowie exhibit that started this past September and goes through January 4th, 2015.


This past Sunday, I finally got the opportunity to go, and it was way more awesome than I had even expected. It’s an exhibit that lovers of all forms of art will enjoy, from music, to fashion, to visual art, to film, and beyond.

Before you walk in, you are given headphones and a headset that it’s connected to. When you push the magnifying glass button, all of the sudden you hear Bowie himself talking to you and introducing you to the exhibit. The coolest part of the exhibit, in my opinion, is that when you walked in front of certain displays (often involving videos of some sort), you would hear the song that Bowie performed, or an interview he did.

As you enter the exhibit, there is a large screen that serves as an introduction of sorts about David Bowie and featured various clips and images from throughout his life. There were also various drawings done by Bowie for outfits and music video ideas, along with lyrics to his own songs.

Although pictures weren’t allowed to be taken inside, this is an image found with the help of Google of one of my favorite displays in the exhibit:


Pictured here is a recording of Bowie performing ‘Starman’ back in 1972. It displays the video of the performance from the back screen and is reflected off of mirrors along the sides. It also shows a mannequin wearing the outfit Bowie wore in the video, doing the classic pointing pose.

As you move on through the exhibit, you can learn more and more about David Bowie’s life and the progression through his artwork. I won’t spoil everything, but all the different details and displays talking about how you don’t have to always follow the norm were really inspiring and made me appreciate Mr. Ziggy Stardust himself.

At the end is the “grand finale” room, which was yet another of my favorites, as it showed several different live concert clips from throughout the years displayed in a beautiful way that you should only witness in real life.

Combined with my love for both music and art, this was one of the best art exhibits I’ve been to in a long time, and one that I’ll think about for a long time to come.

Go find out what David Bowie Is for yourself before it’s gone after January 4th! You can find out all about discounts, hours, and prices here! (Here’s a little hint: it’s only $15 for admission to the main museum with a student ID, and only $7 for the additional Bowie exhibit).

Do you want to go see David Bowie Is? Have you gone already? Let me know what you think of it by sharing and commenting!



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