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Throwing Dynamite Is Not A Good Idea


One of the priests at my church had the craziest hunting story. Hunting in and of itself is already wild enough:

I had just bought a new 2016 Jeep Wrangler. My friend Dave, my dog and I were out hunting in Northwestern Wisconsin, around the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse area. We were pretty far into the woodlands as well. Deer season comes around at the end of the month of November, so by this time, the ground was covered with snow, and the air was frigid.

Nearby our hunting grounds was a large frozen lake. We toted our shotguns still loaded, actions open, however. Driving my new Jeep out onto the ice, the three of us wanted to take a break from sitting in the deer blind (camouflaged tent in which you wait for deer to come around) and spend some time ice fishing. Normally, you would use an auger or an drill bit to drill through the ice. After creating a conservative hole, you can then begin to fish. However, Dave had another idea to create a spot where we could ice fish.


At the time, I thought it was a fantastic idea. Spend minimum time drilling and watch some fireworks? Sounds like too much of a good thing. We’ve been in the deer blind the entire morning, and it was time for some action. We didn’t even spot any deer the whole day, anyway.

Dave had another idea; instead of placing the dynamite into the ice and blowing it up tactically, he insisted in throwing it instead. Again, I thought it was brilliant. I would feel like the ultimate badass throwing in my mind what would be a hand grenade to breach the wall of these poor fish underneath us.

Standing by our Jeep, I held the dynamite in my hand. Dave lit the fuse, the spark creating a stark contrast with the pale snow around us. Wanting to get rid of this explosive from our vicinity, I threw the dynamite as far as I could towards the center of the lake. The dynamite sailed through the air.

However, the dynamite was not the only thing that flew by.

My dog, so used to fetching grounded pheasants and tennis balls alike, took after the lit dynamite.

Oh my God.

My dog was almost as fast as my arm. He reached the dynamite only seconds after it landed and skidded along the ice. Immediately, this furry little guy grabbed the dynamite and began to run towards us.

Oh my God. I said to myself again.

He was approaching fast with a lit explosive. I had to think fast. My shotgun was sitting on the hood of the Jeep. I took my shotgun, but it slipped out of my hands. I quickly picked it up and I struggled to pump it as well. My hands were frozen and lacking dexterity from being out in the cold for hours. I finally closed the action and I pointed the shotgun forward.

Shooting right above him, my dog dropped the dynamite in confusion and fear. The dynamite landed, but it rolled with some of the speed my dog had when he dropped it. The still lit dynamite barreled toward us.

Dave grabbed his shotgun and ran towards the shore of the lake. I did the exact same. The dynamite was rolling towards the Jeep. I didn’t – no – I couldn’t look back. It was then when my eardrums were rocked with a colossally loud shock.


The explosion was followed by the sounds of rushing water and air bubbles escaping to the cold winter air. Dave was to my right and my dog was to my left, albeit in half crouched position. I summoned the courage to look back.

Jesus Christ. My heart sank deeper than my 2016 Jeep Wrangler. My new vehicle found its new home at the bottom of this frozen Wisconsin lake.

Dave, my dog and I were lucky that we had our backpacks and gear back at the deer blind. Still, we just lost our transportation, and my heart could not bear this burden alone. My wallet could not bear it, either. The three of us marched the walk of shame back to our deer blind and we packed up our things. We hiked 6 miles back to the nearest hunting lodge. We were still shook from losing my Jeep Wrangler.

A day later, we finally arrive back home in Illinois, but we had to be picked up by our friends. Needless to say, but losing my new 2016 Jeep Wrangler to dynamite was one of the worst actions I have ever contributed to. What sucked even more was the fact that the insurance company did not cover explosions or submerging of a vehicle. That was probably covered in the Gold Card Insurance plan, but I only bought the Silver Card Insurance plan.


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