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Magic Milk


“It’s a new band about diss-apointment and terrible friends… that you can dance to.”


Magic Milk is a garage, psych, minimalist rock group from Chicago. I would go as far as saying that they are the most true representation of DIY, pure, raw music coming out of Chicago right now. If you’re a fan of bluesy, sometimes lazy, sometimes crazy guitar rhythms, comforting baselines and a super hot chick killing it on the drums then see this band live.

Bandcamp songs recorded on cell phones, pant-less shows played in underwear, stage diving, crowd surfing, nudity; these guys know how to put on a show. Another one of those performances where you can’t help but dance around with everyone else.

Come see a show that will get you hooked on these Chicago locals. Magic Milk is performing at The Empty Bottle onThursday, April 25 with White Lung. 21+ though, sorry kids.

Check an amazing live performance video after the jump.

This video truely speaks for itself.


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