Krish Bavana | Posted on October 18, 2019

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If you didn’t read part 1, you can find it here with this link: If you have already completed reading part 1, continue reading this.
Everyone is not you: It is really weird that we expect everyone to do the same amount of work that we do. Let them be themselves and work for you.
Develop your skills simultaneously: It is really hard to spare time after becoming a leader; as not only our responsibilities will increase, but will become even harder. Allow some time for yourself and evaluate your skills on a weekly basis.This then helps you to develop both your technical and leadership skills.
Work on your emotions: It is always easy to get attached to something and work on it but the hardest problem is to be able to react to situations without hurting anyone’s emotions. To phrase it in one sentence; don’t lose your temper anytime.
Listen to others ideas: While we all aim for perfection, it is quite common that not everyone of us is perfect at all times. Even as leaders we make mistakes and it is absolutely okay to listen to others’ ideas. Sometimes those ideas will really help in the overall improvement of the progress. Also, give credit to whoever gives you ideas.
Don’t expect your team to complete the tasks in unimaginable time: When a project requires five weeks to be completed, asking the team to complete it in four weeks is reasonable,but pressuring them to complete in one or two weeks is a bit preposterous; as it can lead to a disastrous project.
Understand your team: The real key for success is to be understanding. It is not easy and will take time to develop; in fact I was not really good at understanding my team until my senior year of high school; but to achieve better results in my project , I had to understand them better and assign the tasks according to them.
In the end, being a leader is not an easy task. It needs a lot of patience, mental stability, emotionally intelligent and it requires you to work beyond your limits. It is also gives you the best opportunity to see a project from different point of views.